Gizem Adiyaman

Gizem Adiyaman aka Meg10 is a social scientist, DJ, activist, and political educator working with the youth. In 2016 she launched the intersectional #ausnahmslos campaign along with 21 other feminists taking a stance against the instrumentalization of sexual violence to incite racism. In 2017 she co-founded the event series and community space Hoe__mies with Lucia Luciano. Hoe__mies serves as a platform for female, non-binary, and transgender DJs and performers celebrating their presence in Hip Hop and counteracting marginalization in the scene. As a sound system Hoe__mies have curated floors at CTM festival and Germany’s biggest Hip Hop festival Splash!, and recently won the Red Bull Culture Clash with their crew. Gizem recently finished her MA degree in Sociocultural Studies with a thesis on the strategies of female pioneers in the German Hip Hop scene to navigate in a cis-male dominated field.

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